Grand Challenge Scholars Meet with Glass Half Full Nola Founder, Franziska Trautmann

Glass Half Full Nola Founder meeting with the GCSP Scholars around a table at Tulane SSE Dean's Office Conference Room
Left to Right around the table: Swathi Katakam, Caroline Sawrey, Victoria Kutz, Katie Russell, Keefer Boone, Andre Trahan, Penelope Stieglitz, Ellie Rokicki, Katy Perrault, Asha Buehler (SSE staff), and Franziska Trautmann (Glass Half Full Nola Founder).

Glass Half Full NOLA Founder and Co-Director Franziska Trautmann came to speak with the Grand Challenge Scholars about the process of discovering a problem, and turning it from an idea into a business that is changing the way New Orleans handles glass.

Glass Half Full NOLA recycles glass that would normally go into a land fill, and turns it into sand that can be repurposed for disaster relief efforts, eco-construction, new glass products…etc! Franziska is also working with a team of researchers at Tulane to find ways to make the sand even more useful for the environment. Their business has grown from two Tulane seniors into a full-fledged company that is backed by tons of New Orleans community support. 

The Scholars had great questions for Franziska in this relaxed Q&A, and Tulane GCSP hopes to do a volunteer day with Glass Half Full Nola next month!